The Author’s Blueprint

Unlock your full writing and author potential with our comprehensive online self-paced course - The Author's Blueprint. Whether you're an aspiring wordsmith or a seasoned writer ready to take your craft to new heights, this course is your ultimate guide to mastering every aspect of the writing journey.

  • Editing Excellence: Transform rough drafts into polished gems with our expert editing techniques. Uncover the power of revision, proofreading, and self-editing, ensuring your manuscript shines with professionalism and precision.

  • Publishing with Confidence: Navigate the maze of publishing options with ease. From traditional publishing to self-publishing and everything in between, we'll guide you through the process step-by-step, empowering you to make informed decisions about your publishing journey.

  • Mastering Marketing: Don't let your masterpiece languish in obscurity! Learn how to build your author platform, engage with readers, and market your book effectively in today's competitive landscape. From social media strategies to book launch tactics, we'll equip you with the tools you need to succeed.

Join The Author's Blueprint today and embark on a transformative journey toward writing success. With our comprehensive resources, expert guidance, and supportive community, you'll be well on your way to bringing your literary dreams to life. Don't just dream of becoming an author - make it a reality with The Author's Blueprint.

Classes begin June 1st. Sign up now and start writing your future!

When you sign up for this course, you will receive a link to the course approximately 5 days before the course begins. As a pre-sale student, you will receive:

  • Early course access

  • Live Q&A sessions

  • Group coaching sessions (also called Office Hours)

  • A private group to share your questions and ideas

  • Exclusive access to the Jadora's Child Team to ask questions about your book or works in progress.

  • Discounts on publishing, ghostwriting, and editing services.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

The Author’s Blueprint Pre-Sale

Pre-Sale Monthly Subscription


Get lifetime access to over 20 modules, live Q&A sessions, and exclusive content.

*Price after pre-sale will be higher.